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Catalogue Billiani: New Landscape, page 26 of 32

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New Landscape
Lorem Ipsum
alle grandi commesse, quindi intraprende
la strada del design. L’evoluzione, in
entrambi i casi, è sinonimo di crescita.
Una crescita basata su visioni e valori
precisi: né Billiani né Torri Lana
scenderanno mai a compromessi quanto
alla qualità della propria materia prima –
legno in un caso, filati naturali dall’altro
– all’insegna della sostenibilità più
autentica di chi semplicemente conosce
un solo modo di fare le cose: farle bene,
nel rispetto della natura e delle persone.
È così che, in un momento storico in
cui più che mai è importante progettare
il futuro con lungimiranza e attenzione
alla comunità, Billiani trova in Torri
Lana l’interlocutore ideale per la nuova
collezione di tessuti disegnata dall’art
director dell’azienda, Cristina Celestino:
un’esplorazione in un ambito nuovo e
diverso, ma affine per cultura, tradizione
e know-how – tra canali che sembrano
radici, colori che richiamano la natura
e fili che si intrecciano.
The sense of the landscape
Billiani brings nature back to the
centre and does so by reflecting on
the landscape. A landscape as close
as that of the Tagliamento, the last
river in Europe free to flow in its
original bed. A landscape made up
not only of earth, air and water but
also of the communities that animate
it with productive activities conducted
in a sustainable way, respecting both
environment and materials: such
as Billiani, the woodworker, and
Torri Lana, a historical wool mill in
Bergamo that for five centuries has
been weaving natural fibres to create
high quality products, selected by
Billiani for its fabric portfolio.
A special harmony has now
developed between the pair. And
since movements in space are often
also shifts in time, Billiani and Torri
Lana have recovered in the present
a dynamic of the past - the intimate
collaboration between furniture
makers and fabric producers.
The result is an innovative collection
of fabrics in natural yarns, designed
by Cristina Celestino and produced
exclusively for the Billiani chairs,
which base their uniqueness on the
perfect interaction between materials
and the accuracy of the workmanship.
Timènt is Billiani's first fabric
collection. Created in collaboration
with the historic Bergamo wool
mill Torri Lana, it is inspired by
the River Tagliamento, the only
European river that has not been
changed by humankind and still
flowing in its original bed. Through
these fabrics, Cristina Celestino
wanted to reproduce, by means of
textures and colours, the particular
bed of intertwined channels of this
wholly unique watercourse and the
beauty of its floodplains. Oxbows and
tributaries have become, through a
process of abstraction, textures to be
reproduced with graphics in woollen
loops for the Greto collection; in
organic cotton and hemp for the
Golena collection. On a terracotta or
rope-coloured warp – and platinum-
coloured in the organic cotton version
– weft backgrounds with bouclé yarn
and twisted hemp draw outlined
areas of organic shape.
The same contrasting yarns stand
out on the warp also through sinuous
lines recalling the morphology of
the territory. The three-dimensional
structures of bouclé and hemp,
playing with contrasting weaves,
create an interesting material effect.
The colours are also inspired by the
Tagliamento and its seasonal changes:
the shades are cold like ice and
eucalyptus, or warm like brick, shells,
wheat, right through to dark tones.
The Greto collection is offered in eight
variants: in some of these, weft and
warp play tone on tone, with loops and
waves that can be appreciated more by
touch than by sight, while in others the
contrastive weave emerges decisively
on the warp.
The Golena fabric, in four variants,
stands out for its light base: a fresher
version of the same design but
equally material and lively thanks to
the presence in the weft of the dry
and natural twisted yarn of hemp.
The presence of hemp, a material
traditionally used for nautical and
heavy-duty ropes, makes Golena ideal
for use in covered outdoor areas.
For each colour variant the relative
plain colour fabric is also provided.
The colour chart, developed by
Cristina Celestino, reflects the warm
and natural mood that will be applied
to the entire collection with the
introduction of stained woods and
materials such as travertine marble
and cork.
Billiani to Torri Lana and back
Billiani is based in Manzano, in a
road that bears the history of these
places in its name. It is called via
English Translations
New Landscape
Le immagini di queste pagine sono state scattate in Italia, tra le province di
Udine e Bergamo. Il paesaggio che accoglie le sedute, a ridosso del fiume
Tagliamento, è quello della fortezza di Osoppo, in Friuli Venezia Giulia,
un’architettura complessa nata dalla stratificazione tra diverse strutture
difensive costruite a partire dal Medioevo. La piattaforma in cemento è l’esito
del progetto di riqualificazione firmato da Pierluigi Grandinetti, che negli anni
Novanta ha migliorato la fruibilità dei resti più antichi secondo una concezione
contemporanea di parco archeologico. Le immagini sulla lavorazione del
tessuto e quelle sulla lavorazione del legno sono state scattate rispettivamente
nello stabilimento di Torri Lana, a Gandino (Bergamo) e nella sede di Billiani a
Manzano (Udine). Il reportage fotografico, svolto in simultanea, racconta come
nasce, evolve e si perfeziona il prodotto Billiani.