Billiani Italy Lead time 60 days

Catalogue Billiani: Edizioni Сollection 2024, page 44 of 64

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Veretta 927 Lounge in faggio naturale e Greto
2632, Corolla 280 Tavolo in frassino tinto NCS
306 0 Y 7 0 e piano in travertino rosso, Veretta
927 Lounge in faggio tinto NCS S 3060 Y70 R
e Greto 2626 / Veretta 927 Lounge in natural
beechwood and Greto 2632, Corolla 280 Table
in NCS S 3060 Y 70 R stained ashwood and red
Tavertine stone top, Veretta 927 Lounge in NCS S
3060 Y 70 R stained ashwood and Greto 2626
Veretta 929 Sgabello in faggio tinto RAL 7033 e
Greto 2627, Veretta 928 Sgabello in faggio tinto
RAL 3012 e Greto 2633
/Veretta 929 Barstool in RAL 7033 stained
ashwood and Greto 2627, Veretta 928 Barstool
in RAL 3012 stained ashwood and Greto 2633