Billiani Italy Lead time 60 days

Catalogue Billiani: Beyond Belonging 2022, page 40 of 55

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Frisée 252 Poltroncina in frassino sbiancato
e Greto 2629, Frisée 264 Tavolo in frassino
tinto RAL 7033
/Frisée 252 Armchair in bleached ashwood
and Greto 2629, Frisée 264 Table in RAL 7033
stained ashwood
Frisée 265 tavolo in frassino tinto RAL 3012,
Frisée 256 sgabello in frassino tinto
NCS S 3060 Y70R
/ Frisée 265 table in RAL 3012 stained ashwood,
Frisée 256 stool in NCS S 3060 Y70R stained