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Catalogue Billiani: Beyond Belonging 2020, page 341 of 408

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Billiani è da sempre sinonimo di legno e colore. E se legno
vuol dire frassino, faggio, rovere e noce, il colore ha tre anime:
quella ironica e fresca delle tinte forti, quella istituzionale e
rigorosa dei toni classici, quella domestica e intima
delle sfumature più eleganti. Di tutte e tre è espressione
la collezione tessuti, che affianca texture basiche a trame
più calde e sofisticate come il bouclé italiano.
Billiani has always been synonymous with wood and colour.
And if wood means ash, beech, oak and walnut, colour has
three souls: the ironic and fresh one of bold shades;
the institutional and rigorous one of classic tones; the domestic
and intimate one of the most elegant hues. The fabric
collection is the expression of all three, combining basic
textures with warmer and more sophisticated ones such as
Italian bouclé.
Cristina Celestino
Cristina Celestino is a designer with
a delicate touch and a clear and ironic
look, which combine with an encyclopedic
knowledge of twentieth century Italian
design. Ever since she was an architecture
student in Venice, she has been attracted
by the interiors designed by the twentieth
century greats where the architect’s work
expands to encompass furnishings and
the smallest of details.
The love of design begins in this way and
fi rst takes the form of collecting, then that
of design, ranging from interiors to products.
The result of this architectural awareness
and formal innovation is a cultured design
that intertwines “the knowledge that comes
from the study of architecture, the taste
for beauty that comes from collecting, an
emotional and evocative vision of the product,
and the search for an innovative component”.
It is this unique and personal way
of expressing herself, which emerges also
from the unprecedented use of traditional
materials and bold colour choices, that
convinced Billiani to entrust Cristina
Celestino in 2019 with the artistic direction
of the company.
Cristina Celestino was born in
Pordenone in 1980. Architect and
designer, she lives and works in
Milan. Her activity ranges from
artistic direction to interior and
product design.

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