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Catalogue Billiani: Beyond Belonging 2020, page 106 of 408

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Victor Carrasco esplora la fortunata tipologia
della serie monoscocca e con Fitt Hug espande
il concept della seduta Fitt. In questa nuova
interpretazione, la scocca fasciante ha linee nette
e decise. Sempre essenziale, si abbina in modo
versatile a basi diverse – dalle classiche gambe
in legno al fusto girevole – così da adeguarsi
a qualsiasi contesto.
Victor Carrasco explores the successful single-shell style of seating,
and with Fitt Hug he broadens the concept of the Fitt chair. In this
new interpretation, the wrap-around body has clear and decisive lines.
Always essential, it combines in a versatile way with different bases
– from classically wooden legs to the revolving frame – so as to
adapt to any setting.
Cat. Poltroncine, armchairs

Sgabelli, stools
Fitt Hug
Design: Victor Carrasco, 2020
Data Sheet: p. 356
Fitt Hug Struttura:
Frassino, acciaio
Fitt Hug Frame:
Ashwood, steel