Bellotti Ezio Italy Lead time 80 days

Catalogue Bellotti Ezio: Cromie Collection 2023, page 16 of 31

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Low sideboard for TV, structure and solid wood parts with 2 lateral doors with
finish lacquered matt grey, 2 doors and central big drawer finely inlaid with
mother of pearl, erable tinged blue with profile in canaletto walnut, with open
compartment, wooden top veneered with canaletto walnut tinged grey and
decorative profiles with erable tinged blue and walnut, with decorated carvings.
Art. 1198 cm. 250*53*75h
Mobile basso per TV, struttura e parti in legno massello con 2 ante laterali
con finitura laccato grigio opaco, 2 ante e cassettone centrale finemente
intarsiati in madreperla, erable tinto blu e filetto in noce canaletto, con
vano a giorno, top in legno impialacciato in noce canaletto tinto grigio e
filetti decorativi in erable tinto blu e noce, con intagli decorati.