As a matter of conviction we use only durable, non-wearing
materials in our optical systems. For example, we do not use
any plastic lenses to deflect light, as their ageing resistance
is doubtful. Instead we prefer durable materials such as glass,
silicone and aluminium.
Replacements for our LED modules
We have given long consideration to this important and central
issue. For many companies, it remains unanswered or becomes
lost among meaningless advertising claims. As a responsible
manufacturer of high-quality and durable products, we have
spent many years researching who accepts the responsibility
for replacing the LED modules in a luminaire. Neither well-
established module suppliers nor conventional lamp manu-
facturers with dubious delivery reliability have satisfied our
understanding of responsibility.
That is why we have been producing our own LED modules
for several years now. With the same quality as the luminaires
which we have been manufacturing for more than 60 years.
We have created the technological capabilities for our own
high-performance manufacturing of modules that is unparalleled.
This means that we ourselves are responsible for the quality and
replacement of LED modules in the same way as we reliably
demonstrated in the past for other components.
Today you will find a lamp designation in each of our LED
luminaires, providing exact details of the installed modules.
Thanks to the corresponding designation, we will be able to produce
LED modules to match your BEGA luminaires even many years in
the future.
We guarantee the availability of replacement modules even 20 years
after you purchase an LED luminaire from us.
This responsibility for the durable assets we produce is something
we are glad to accept. We thus make sure that a BEGA luminaire
will not become useless because there are no replacements for the
LED modules originally installed. You can find detailed information
about our LED technology on Pages 564 and 565.