For the cabinet (art F504) we opted for a combination of elements coming from different paintings. The central and inspiring idea was that of the jungle,
which, as mentioned before, is the recurring theme in the artists’ production. This idea has been declined using elements taken from different paintings:
the reddish plants represented in the right part of the cabinet are inspired by paintings like “Tropical Forest with Monkeys” (1910 – National Gallery of Art,
John Hay Whitney Collection) and “The Waterfall”, a 1910 oil on canvas. The green with red fruits plants in the centre left are inspired by “Jungle Sunset”,
a 1910 oil on canvas displayed at the Kunstmuseum in Basel (Switzerland).
The flowers that can be found all around the cabinet are typical of a number of paintings, such as the above mentioned “Jungle Sunset” and “The Dream”,
the largest of the jungle paintings (204,5 x 298,5 cms) on display at the Museum of Modern Art, New York (USA).
The Jungle Collection
has been inspired by the paintings of the late 19th century painter Henri Rousseau. The idea was to translate into a piece of furniture the art and the
inspiration of the French Post-Impressionist artist. Instead of using a painting technique, we have decided to use the wood-inlay technique we are more
familiar with. This choice would also add a bit of originality to our interpretation of the masterpieces of this famous artist.
We selected the ebony veneer as the starting point of our work: its dark colour is a perfect match for the elaborate and intricate patterns of plants and
animals which is typical of most of Rousseau’s paintings. It also carry the ideas of the exotic and of the shadows, both elements easily associated to the
jungle, the artist’s most favourite subject of inspiration.
As for the inlays, the approach we have followed in dealing with Rousseau’s masterpieces has been twofold. On one side, we decided to stick as close
as possible to the original painting; on the other, we also wanted to give ourselves a little freedom to provide an interpretation that was ours and ours
alone. Thus the table-top of the dining table (art F504) is a representation of a single painting, in this case the “Fight Between a Tiger and a Buffalo”,
a 1908 oil on canvas painting on display at the Cleveland Museum of Art.
Art. F504
Tavolo / Table / Стол - cm. Ø 170 x H75 - Intarsiato / Inlaid / Отделка инкрустацией
Art. F504
Sedia / Chair / Стул - Intarsiato / Inlaid / Отделка инкрустацией
Art. F504
Mobile 4 Ante / 4 Doors Sideboard / Буфет 4 створки - cm. 220 x 57 x H 105 - Intarsiato / Inlaid / Отделка инкрустацией