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Catalogue Baker Furniture: Thomas Pheasant Collection, page 113 of 148

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 h e  h  he  c llec  i 111
. h11
grde ble l (ivry crckle)
dieer 2H" h 34"
Also available in Leaf Crackle (No. PH014)
or Lacquer (No. PH012)
. h1
veel l (lcquer)
dieer 19" h 29"
Also available in Leaf Crackle (No. PH018)
or Ivory Crackle (No. PH015)
. h1
chi jr l (lef crckle)
dieer 2" h 32"
Also available in Ivory Crackle (No. PH007)
or Lacquer (No. PH008)