t h e M i C h a e L S S M i t h C o L L e C t i o n 6 1
the Michael S Smith collection works to solve problems facing a designer every day. the
bedroom — and particularly the distinctive bed — does just that. A strong and practical voice.
From the designer’s home, the dark coromandel finish of the Portsmith Bed makes it the ideal
building block for a traditional bedroom. With an upholstered headboard and options for both
a canopy and a low-post look, the Portsmith allows for almost any color scheme — and adapts
to almost any architecture.
the balance of the bedroom reflects the same search for distinctive building blocks. the over-
scale glebe Bedside chest, while superbly functional, also has the form and finish to work in a
variety of rooms. the Sussex nightstand offers a smaller, simpler and more sculptural alternative
for the bedroom. Both items make the broader statement that craft and detail can be beautiful
even in the absence of formality.