baker classics | 251
baker classics
baker classics
| Tub lounge chair
a larger tub chair inspired by examples from the 1930s. Tight
back over a loose seat. rounded hardwood banding over
square tapered legs.
While the design is classic, the low but deep proportions
create a very modern sense of refinement. This particular
variation on the tub chair form has a rounder back and higher
arms than most. as a result, it easily floats for a conversation
grouping. often used in pairs.
6355 w 37" d 36" h 311⁄2" sh 181⁄2" ah 25" inw 27" ind 24"
w 94 d 91 h 80 sh 47 ah 64 inw 69 ind 61 cm
baker classics
| Wing chair
a modern take on the wing chair form. Tight back and seat.
Pared arms and wings.
an edited wing chair suitable for both traditional and
contemporary schemes. While the design is generally
rectilinear, the cut of the arms and the taper of the legs create
a sense of lightness. a candidate for different inside and
outside fabrics. enough shape to fill the role of an accent chair.
w 35" d 31" h 39" sh 21" ah 27" inw 25" ind 20"
w 89 d 79 h 99 sh 53 ah 69 inw 64 ind 51 cm
6356-11 ottoman
w 32" d 32" h 20"
w 81 d 81 h 51 cm
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