baker classics | 239
baker classics
baker classics
| bishop chair
english arm chair. loose back and seat. exaggerated saddle arms.
Turned legs.
This is a very traditional, very english lounge chair. With the dip
in the arm designed to catch the elbow with shaped side panels
reminiscent of edwardian seating, this is also a chair for the purist.
designed with plenty of pitch to the back, some will also find it more
comfortable. a great choice for vintage architecture. more or less
formal depending on the choice of fabric.
6601C w 36" d 41" h 37" sh 18" ah 24" inw 22" ind 23"
w 91 d 104 h 94 sh 46 ah 61 inw 56 ind 58 cm
6601O ottoman
w 30" d 24" h 17"
w 76 d 61 h 43 cm
page 203
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