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Catalogue B&B Italia: The Outdoor Collection 2023, page 280 of 310

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The Outdoor Collection
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Ray Outdoor Fabric
Antonio Citterio • 2017
Inspiration • 200
Ray Outdoor Fabric features an interlacing ribbon pattern, created
using polypropylene fibre that are resistant to UV rays and
weathering. The range of colours, particularly suitable for outdoor
environments, varies from turquoise to blue and from acid green to
tortora through to bright bordeaux.
Ray Outdoor Fabric si distingue per l’intreccio a nastro, realizzato in
fibra di polipropilene resistente ai raggi UV ed agli agenti atmosferici.
La gamma di colori, particolarmente adatta agli ambienti outdoor,
varia dal turchese al blu, dal verde acido al tortora sino ad un vivo
colore bordeaux.
Antonio Citterio
Ray Outdoor Fabric
The “Fabric” collection consist of sofas available in two depths
as well as modular elements such as terminal elements or chaise
longue, armchair and a sunbed with wheels.
Le tipologie di seduta si compongono di divani in due profondità e di
elementi componibili, dai terminali alle chaise longue, alla poltrona e al
lettino con ruote.