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Catalogue B&B Italia: The Outdoor Collection 2023, page 272 of 310

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The Outdoor Collection
Product Specifications 213
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The sofa interacts also with the armchair available in two depths,
one more suited to conversation, the other for relaxing as if on a
chaise longue.
Il divano dialoga inoltre con la poltrona in due varianti di profondità,
una più adatta alla conversazione, l’altra a un relax da chaise longue.
The footrest has a similar teak frame and an upholstered seat
covered in fabric. Solid and compact, this accessory is also suitable
for use as a service small table.
Il poggiapiedi presenta un’analoga struttura in teak e una seduta
imbottita rivestita in tessuto. Solido e compatto, questo accessorio
diventa adatto anche per l’utilizzo come tavolino di servizio.
Vincent Van Duysen
Pablo Outdoor
Pablo Outdoor
Vincent Van Duysen • 2022
Inspiration • 63