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Catalogue B&B Italia: The Outdoor Collection 2023, page 213 of 310

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The Outdoor Collection
Product Specifications 95
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Patricia Urquiola • 2008
Inspiration • 275
Patricia Urquiola
Armchairs, small armchairs, chairs and a stool are designed in
several different shapes and heights. The polyethylene fibre
interlacing are joined by natural or bronze abaca. Being a natural
material, the product with abaca interlacing is suitable for indoors,
covered outdoor spaces or verandas.
Sedie, uno sgabello, poltroncine e poltrone sono declinate in tipologie
diverse per forma e altezza. Ad intrecci in fibra di polietilene, si
affiancano quelli in abaca naturale o bronzo. Il prodotto con intreccio
in abaca naturale, trattandosi di fibra naturale, è destinato all’utilizzo
in ambienti interni, in esterni coperti o verande.