Standard systems with RGB (Red/Green/Blue) LED are generally done by 3 LED chips put side by side, each
one of a primary color and on their own dedicated power channel. Mixing the colors among them, you obtain
a variety of colorings in the visible spectrum, whose shade and intensity change basing on the intensity of
the used single -colored LEDs (two or more). As an examples, a PURPLE, obtained from BLUE and RED, cam
appear more or less full, depending on the intensity of the RED in the mixing of the two colors. In RGBW sy-
stems, the only difference is the fact to have a fourth additional LED in WHITE, used to improve the quality
of the emitted white (otherwise it would be obtained by mixing the 3 primary colors). This mixing process
is defined as “additional”, to the sum of two or more primary colors to obtain a secondary one.
High Flow
Better Transition
of colors
Considering the same used
power, the flux supplied by
the fixtures using ALGORITHM
system results 3 times more
elevated if compared with the
flux supplied by fixtures using
a standard system
gement of the intensity
shared among the chips
allows a more uniform
passage between the co-
lors, in order to obtain a
larger spectrum.
The on-board electronic part hol-
ding the software, can be directly
connected with DMX-RDM systems,
without needing converters or se-
condary interfaces, but simply tho-
rough the connection of the two
DMX channels.
The maximization of the flux , the
programmed supplied power divi-
sion and the high global efficiency
of the system, make the RGBW
system fully in line with Eco-Green
Thanks to the on-board electronic part,
the system can be managed remotely
by a single controller. The connection
between the different fixtures is done
directly without additional devices.
The connection flux/supplied
power is improved in a way
that the project itself can con-
sider a lower or bigger number
of fixtures with respect to the
one considered for a standard
system less performing
On-board electronics
Energy saving
Installation Facilitated
Economic advantage