Art. FR159
Comodino 2 cassetti sagomato liscio
Finitura laccato decorato
Shaped smooth chest 2 drawers
Finishing lacquered decorated
L.62 P.34 H.64
Art. FR171
Comoncino bombato 3 cassetti finitura nero/bronzo cre-cre
Bombè chest 3 drawers finishing black/bronze
L.96 P.48 H.89
Art. FR158
Comò 3 cassetti sagomato liscio
Finitura laccato decorato
Shaped smooth chest 3 drawers
Finishing lacquered decorated
L.148 P.58 H.100
Art. FR282
Specchiera traforata con specchio molato foglia argento mecca
Perforated mirror with bevelled mirror with silver leaf mecca
L.80 P.4 H.100