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Catalogue Arrital Cucine: Kitchen Culture 2022, page 83 of 91

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Completano la composizione, il tavolo Nice in finitura laminato
Moro e le sedie Queeny con scocca nera e sedile in paglia
naturale. I tavolini Loft, disponibili in finitura con le ante,
arredano con eleganza l’area Living insieme alla boiserie Strato
che, grazie alla combinazione tra finiture e modularità, permette
di creare pareti attrezzate di qualsiasi dimensione.
The composition is completed by the Nice table in a
dark brown laminate finish and the Queeny chairs with a
black body and natural straw seat. The Loft coffee tables,
available in the same finishes as the unit doors, add a touch
of elegance to the living room area, together with the Strato
boiserie which allows for the creation of any size accessorised
walls thanks to the combination of finishes and modularity.

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