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Catalogue Arrital Cucine: Kitchen Culture 2022, page 78 of 91

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Kitchen Feeling home
La composizione _kL_01 offre un comodo angolo
home office caratterizzato dal piano sospeso Plank.
I moduli k_Lounge, grazie agli accessori passacavi
e ai ripiani scorrevoli dedicati, sono predisposti
per integrare TV, decoder, consolle, ecc.
La barra elettrificata Letroh, con accessori e prese
elettriche movibili, completa funzionalmente l’area studio.
The _kL_01 composition includes a handy home office space
with the wall-mounted Plank worktop. The k_Lounge modules
are pre-configured to integrate the TV, decoder, console,
etc. thanks to the cable management solutions and
dedicated sliding drawers. The Letroh power bar, with
accessories and moveable electrical sockets,
completes the functional layout of the area.
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