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Catalogue Arrital Cucine: Kitchen Culture 2022, page 53 of 91

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Kitchen . Ak_05 TailorMade
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Un design rigoroso ed esclusivo caratterizzato
dalla matericità dell’Essenza Abete Tabacco.
L’apertura dell’anta con bordo a 30° senza maniglia
e il top in acciaio Vintage con bordo inclinato
accentuano la linearità compositiva.
An exclusive design with clean lines and the
signature textured finish of the Abete Tabacco
wood effect. The linear look of the composition
is accentuated by the 30° sloping edge of the
door creating a handle-free opening system and
by the Vintage steel top with bevelled edge.
Acciaio Inox |
Laccato Soft-Touch |
Nero st
Essenza |
Abete Tabacco