Arrital Cucine Italy Lead time 60 days

Catalogue Arrital Cucine: Kitchen Culture 2022, page 4 of 91

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Superficie coperta area uffici e produzione.
Of covered surface area for offices and production.
Collaborazioni e fornitori del sistema Arrital.
Partnerships and suppliers of the Arrital system.
Cucine prodotte all’anno.
Kitchens produced per year.
Risorse umane impiegate tra uffici e produzione.
Human resources employed in the offices and production.
6 0 . 0 0 0 M Q
2 0 7
1 2 . 0 0 0
1 9 0
Arrital . Our story, our dna
È passione.
Non sono
solo numeri.
It’s passion.
Not just numbers.