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Catalogue Arketipo: Technical Book 2019, page 74 of 187

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design by Ludovica + Roberto Palomba 2019
Self Control
Struttura: legno.
Imbottitura fusto: poliuretano
espanso a quote differenziate (ELAST
PF35FR+T40P+NF21/20) rivestito con
tomana 230 gr. e fodera di vellutino
6 mm.
Imbottitura cuscini seduta:
poliuretano espanso a quote
differenziate (HR36/36+NA40+NA35)
rivestito con tomana 230 gr. e cotone
100% accoppiato a fibra di poliestere.
Imbottitura cuscini schienale:
rivestimento in cotone antipiuma
accoppiato a resinato; riempitura in
misto piuma (70% piuma d'oca e 30%
fibra di poliestere).
Imbottitura cuscino supporto
schienale (cod.7110461): rivestimento
in cotone antipiuma accoppiato a
resinato; riempitura piuma d'oca 100%.
Structure: wood.
Frame upholstery: multi-density
expanded polyurethane (ELAST
PF35FR+T40P+NF21/20) covered with
synthetic lining 230gr and synthetic
cover 6 mm.
Seat cushion upholstery:
multi-density expanded polyurethane
(HR36/36+NA40+NA35) covered with
synthetic lining 230gr and cotton and
polyester fibre coupled lining.
Back cushion upholstery: down proof
cotton cover coupled with resinated
lining; filling in mixed down (70%
goose down and 30% polyester fibre).
Back support upholstery (7110461):
down proof cotton cover coupled with
resinated lining; filling in 100% goose
Springing: elastic belts.
Seat height: 40 cm.
Arm height: 65 cm.
Feet: metal, finishes: titanium or black
nickel or varnished micaceous brown
or oxy grey, h. 9 cm.
Piano di molleggio: cinghie elastiche.
Altezza seduta: 40 cm.
Altezza bracciolo: 65 cm.
Piedi: metallo finitura black nickel
o titanio; oppure verniciato marrone
micaceo o oxy grey, h.9 cm.