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Catalogue Arketipo: Technical Book 2019, page 34 of 187

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design by Giuseppe Viganò 2018
Struttura: legno.
Imbottitura fusto: poliuretano
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(D35EM+D40P+HT45) rivestito con
Tomana 230 gr., Dacron accoppiato
380 gr. e accoppiato 6 mm.
Imbottitura seduta: poliuretano
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(OS35S+D35EM+D50 mind foam)
rivestito con Tomana 230 gr. e Dacron
accoppiato 380 gr.
Imbottitura cuscino poggiareni:
rivestimento in cotone antipiuma;
riempitura in piuma naturale 100%.
Structure: wood.
Structure upholstery: expanded
polyurethane of varied densities
(D35EM+D40P+HT45) covered with
synthetic lining 230gr, coupled
Dacron 380gr and coupled synthetic
lining 6mm.
Seat upholstery: expanded
polyurethane of varied densities
(OS35S+D35EM+D50 mind foam)
covered with synthetic lining 230gr
and coupled Dacron 380gr.
Low back cushion upholstery:
downproof cotton cover filled
with 100% natural down.
Springing: elastic belts.
Seat height: 42 cm
Arm height: 85 cm
Feet: metal, finishes: black nickel
or titanium or varnished micaceous
brown or oxy grey, h.15 cm.
Piano di molleggio: cinghie elastiche.
Altezza seduta: 42 cm
Altezza bracciolo: 85 cm
Piedi: metallo, finiture: black nickel
o titanio oppure verniciato marrone
micaceo o oxy grey, h.15 cm.