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Catalogue Arketipo: Newbook 2019, page 40 of 53

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Tavolo • Prince: piano laccato lucido RAL 7003,
base titanio.
Table • Prince: glossy lacquered top RAL 7003,
titanium base.
Chairs • Emily: in leather
Tribe 1033.
Suspension lamps • Képi:
titanium structure.
Sofas • Self Control: in fabric
D/4740 collection DudeUp,
black nickel feet.
Small table • Douglas: top in
Arabesque Grey marble, black
nickel base.
Drinks cabinet • Bolide
Bar: in sucupira, top glossy
lacquered RAL 7003, black
nickel feet.
Sedie • Emily: in cuoio Tribe
Lampade a sospensione •
Képi: struttura titanio.
Divani • Self Control: in
tessuto collezione DudeUp
D/4740, piedi black nickel.
Tavolino • Douglas: piano in
marmo Arabesque Grey, base
black nickel.
Mobile • Bolide Bar: in
sucupira, piano laccato lucido
RAL 7003, piedi black nickel.
design by Giuseppe Viganò 2019
If one is an heir to the throne, and another was a pioneer of multi-
instrumentalism and musical fusion, then Prince, by Giuseppe
Viganó is unashamedly the heir to grand design. One look and you
understand everything you need to know about this stunning vision
of what a dining table should be; a place to meet, talk, eat and share
unique moments in time.
T e legs are strong yet refi ned by an intricate design, one which calls
to a dif erent time. T eir form is integral to the total approach of the
table, they are, if you look closely, based on the form of a fi replace -
moreover, they evoke elements of that meeting area where everyone
would sit and talk. T is is a table that invites you to social living
in the grandest of forms. T e top? It’s nobilit done with a sense of
belonging; here, everyone is welcome. It may be big, it may even have
swooping lines and curvatures that evoke the idea of... big, but what
it manages to do is shrink that space between you and your guests.
Prince, a design statement of social living captured for generations
to come.
Prince: erede al trono o il musicista che è stato pioniere del multi
strumentalismo e della fusione di generi musicali?Prince di Giuseppe
Viganò è senza dubbio l’erede di un grande design.
Basta un solo sguardo per capire come dovrebbe essere un tavolo
da pranzo: un luogo autentico dove incontrarsi, parlare, mangiare e
condividere momenti unici nel tempo. La base, imponente e raf nata,
si distingue per un’estetica articolata, unicum con l’intero proget o.
Dal punto di vista formale ricorda il focolare, agorà di incontri e
dialoghi. Autentico inno alla convivialità e dichiarazione di social
living, Prince annulla ogni distanza con gli ospiti e fa di ognuno il
076 / 077