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Catalogue Arketipo: Newbook 2019, page 33 of 53

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design by Leonardo Dainelli 2019
Take the basic principle of what a chair is, do you have it? It needs
to be comfortable, supported, have a stle and character that is also
unique and even be inspired by something greater… that is what
Nascar is about.
One look at the back rest and you’d be forgiven for wanting to
instantly take a seat. How about the swooping lines, curved arms,
a sense of familiarit whilst seated? Did you even notice the legs,
maintaining an intrinsic design stle that continues with the total
aesthetic features of the chair. Everything is created to have a
purpose, with Nascar, this is about taking that basic principle of the
chair and injecting something completely new into the living space.
Come dovrebbe essere la poltrona ideale? Confortevole, solida, con
uno stile inconfondibile e una personalità unica... Nascar è questo e
molto di più.
Basta un solo sguardo per desiderare di sedersi immediatamente.
Linee iper definite, braccioli curvati, un senso di sicurezza mentre sei
seduto. Solide gambe propongono un design in perfeta continuità
stilistica con le carateristiche del progeto. Tuto è pensato per
avere uno scopo e Nascar ha creato qualcosa di inedito nello spazio
Armchair • Nascar: in fabric E/5566 collection Vellù PL,
black nickel feet.
Poltrona • Nascar: in tessuto collezione Vellù PL E/5566,
piedi black nickel.
062 / 063