Ana Roque Portugal Lead time 60 days

Catalogue Ana Roque: Elegance 2022, page 16 of 99

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w w w . a n a - r o q u e . c o m

3 0
f i n i s h e s
f i n i s h e s I h i g h g l o s s + 1 0 %
plum coffee table
materials: wood or lacquered and metal
ø50 cm . h 50 cm - 2500P
ø100 cm . h 34 cm - 2600P
materials: wood or lacquered,
stone and metal
ø50 cm . h 50 cm - 3250P
ø100 cm . h 34 cm - 3900P
The plum coffee table symbolizes the
union of luxury and strength.
The marble surface flawless and
shiny, points to a prosperous futu-
re, reminding one to toast to pros-
perry coffee table
materials: wood or lacquered and metal
ø50 cm . h 40 cm - 2100P
ø100 cm . h 32 cm - 2200P
materials: wood or lacquered, stone and metal
ø50 cm . h 40 cm - 2900P
ø100 cm . h 32 cm - 3400P
The most distinctive appeal of Perry’
s coffee tables lies in the base. The
irregular silhouette holds a circu-
lar stone with exquisite brass detail,
making a vibrant design.
a n a r o q u e
a n a r o q u e I l u x u r y i c o l l e c t i o n