Private house
Island Retreat
Waiheke Island,
New Zealand
→ architecture: Fearon Hay
Architects Ltd.
→ interiors: Penny Hay Ltd.
→ premi ⁄ awards: New Zealand
Institute of Architects Award
Agape portfolio
projects ⁄ private house
photography: Patrick Reynolds
Immersa nell’ambiente idilliaco e al tempo stesso
inospitale del golfo di Huraki, Island Retreat è un’abitazione
concepita come un accampamento, composta da 3 unità
coperte da un tetto individuale. Contesto ideale per enfatizzare
l’essenzialità della vasca Vieques.
Nestled in the idyllic and yet inhospitable Gulf
of Huraki, Island Retreat house is designed as a camp
consisting of 3 roofed structures. The context is an ideal
way to emphasize the simplicity of the Vieques bathtub.