Adriatica Italy Lead time 60 days

Catalogue Adriatica: Luxury Day Collection 2021, page 20 of 39

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Kursaal in nobilitato pelle bronzo, ante rivestite
trapuntate in econabuk Luna 01, ante vetro fumè.
Basamento, maniglie e bordo Top/cielo effetto oro.
Specchiera effetto oro con specchio neutro.
Sedia effetto oro rivestita econabuk Luna 01,
tavolo con basamento effetto oro.
Kursaal bronze leather-look melamine with econabuk
Luna 01 fabric upholstered and quilted doors,
smoky glass doors. Gold-look base, handles
and top edge. Neutral mirror with gold-look frame.
Econabuk Luna 01 fabric up-holstered gold-look chair,
table with gold-look base.
Luxury — Day collection

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