Adriatica Italy Lead time 60 days

Catalogue Adriatica: Day Collection 2020, page 17 of 51

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/ Ola
Parete composta da elementi:
base modello Ola, pensili 2 ante
curve/vasistas, anta vetro/anta curva
concava, anta curva convessa.
Finiture Rovere Creta - Grigio.
/ Ola
Wall composition composed of:
Ola base unit, wall units with 2 curved
doors/glass top-hinged door/concave
curved door/convex curved door.
Clay Oak - Grey finishes.
Elementi concavi e convessi
che caratterizzano fortemente
il design per dare vita a uno
spazio prestigioso nell’essenza.
Dettagli di grande maestria
Ola’s very distinctive concave
and convex units shape spaces
of intrinsic luxury.
Finely crafted details.
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